Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Dr Rowan Molnar anaesthesiologist - //#drrowanmolnar //

What I love about being an anaesthesiologist - Dr Rowan Molnar //#drrowanmolnar //

My intense passion for anaesthesiology is something I couldn't see myself living without. I live and breath this field, including all the challenges I have encountered I wouldn't change it for the world. The personal satisfaction I receive from this line of work is so immense I thought I’d share it with the world. So here’s what exactly I love about my vocation as an anaesthesiologist.

Helping People

I’ve thought long and hard about what factors contribute to my love for anaesthesiology, and I’ve come to the conclusion that most, if not all, of my love stems from my desire to help others. Every day is a day in which I get to help someone in need, and it doesn’t just end at administering anaesthetics.
I (Dr Rowan Molnar //#drrowanmolnar //) monitor people when they have undergone surgery, when they are sedated, and when they are asleep. I ensure that all vital signs are operating at their normal range levels, and I put measures in place to provide them with the correct help if things were to turn sour. People come to me when they need the services of an anaesthesiologist, for guidance, for reassurance, and for assistance with whatever they need thereafter.
Even when I’m not at an operating table, or in a patient’s room, I am conducting research and studies that will benefit the medical field and profession — in turn helping those who seek medical attention.

My mind remains sharp

The equipment, machines, and general duties can be a little nauseating at times, but it keeps me on my toes and my mind is always expanding its capacities. This line of work keeps you sharp and on the ball — by necessity — and it helps me in things unrelated to anaesthesiology.
As an anaesthesiologist, we have to be experts of biochemistry and pharmacology. The complex effects a drug can have on a patients system are already enough to give you head spins without the added variables regarding a patient’s unique circumstances. What if the drug entering the patient’s system now, interacts poorly with a drug they’ve been taking, whether it be prescribed or otherwise? Do they have any unusual natural reactions to certain types of treatment? What dosages are best for them?
Complex questions require complex thought processes, and there’s never a shortage of mind strain to be felt. Technical skill is also required, with the finding and navigating of veins, arteries, and even vital organs.

It’s personal, emotional, and heartwarming

Being an anaesthesiologist is deeply personal. You have to get in close with the patient, as you’re probably going to be the closest person to them other than their family, during their stay in hospital care — even if they don’t know it.
Yes, as an anaesthesiologist, you’re often out of sight out of mind. Operating in the dark, in the after hours, behind the scenes, and away from eyes. The patient may never know the important and even essential role you played during their stay, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that your presence meant more than the world to them.
I, (Dr Rowan Molnar //#drrowanmolnar //) don’t need undying praise, over-the-top thanks, and unkept affection for the services I and my trusted colleagues and I provide. Seeing the joy in the eyes of family who see their loved ones recover is enough for me to know what I’m doing is helping in more ways than perhaps even I can imagine.

Dr Rowan Molnar //#drrowanmolnar //

Friday, April 1, 2016

Know the hidden traits of Dr Rowan Molnar

 “To mark an impression, you must learn to impress with your words”, says Dr. Rowan Molnar, speaker, consultant, and specialist anaesthetist. Dr. Rowan Molnar ( #drrowanmolnar ) is a professional knowledgeable orator with a potential to inspire masses with his brilliantly delivered presentations on health and medicine management. In addition to this, he has successfully managed to establish a broad recognition in the field of medicine with his contributions.

His contribution has proved very beneficial for thousands of people, and his name can be framed in golden letters owing to his remarkable work. With a strong determination to help the people, he has made many efforts to spread his sea of knowledge through his writings and social media.

Having an experience of more than 1/4th a decade, Dr. Rowan Molnar ( @drrowanmolnar )has attained the stretches and boundaries of this field. Also working as the Head of Discipline at the University of Tasmania, Australia, Molnar has worked in the Harvard University, alongside contributing to the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston and the John Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore and the University of California.

Through his determination and efforts, Dr. Rowan Molnar has set up a unique system of presentations and workshops employing external faculty to prepare trainees the serve the public.

Apart from working as a doctor cum educator, he has also been an extraordinary author, with exemplary pieces of award-winning works.